Frequently Asked Questions

Warranty and Remake Policy

  • A printable version of our Warranty and Remake Policy can be found here:


For the above how/when do you make exceptions, if ever?

Exceptions to Credit Policy

We try our absolute hardest to fit ourselves to your needs, if there is something that is out of the ordinary and requires special attention, please give us a call, and we can see what it is that we can assist you with. Ultimately, we want to ensure your customers are receiving the absolute best service we can provide.

ORG Inc. will be very fair with customers regarding returns; however returns will not be accepted for the following reasons:

  • Lenses edged to a height below the minimum height published by ORG Inc.

  • Lenses received for credit over 60 days from the original invoice date.

  • Lenses abused beyond normal usage.

Estimated shipping costs and does it include a pre packaged shipping label?

Shipping costs are calculated monthly and are divided up between jobs, with higher volumes, we can introduce a larger discount for shipping.

What is your average turnaround time?

The average turnaround time for our lab is currently 3-5 business days, though we strive to push this time down even further through our processes. If there is ever the need for any orders to be rushed, do feel free to contact our lab so that we can keep a close eye on your orders for you.

Lab contact person?

Direct # to Lab


Henry Bode - HenryORGINC@gmail.com

Laura Carey - LauraORGINC@gmail.com

Do you provide training on materials (if trying it out for the first time)?

Sure! We are happy to help with any information we can provide on all of our products.

Are you offering a promo to get started?

Currently we are working with Anagram to initiate a “New Accounts Promo”.

Is AR included on all lenses?

Shamir Glacier AR is included on all Shamir lens products. All other traditional lenses, as well as non-Shamir progressives, do not include any AR and can be AR coated or tinted to specification.

Is there a discount for practice staff orders?

ORG will provide staff and management with 1 set of Shamir lens products at no charge, for all new ECPs

What are your hours of lab manufacturing?

Mon - Fri

9am -5pm CST

What are your customer service hours?

Mon - Fri

9am -5pm CST

Can practices use a tracer with your lab?

If so, what is the process for getting that set up?

We currently use a system where traces can be uploaded to a private drive. We accept OMA file format.

In addition, if tracer set-up is required and is of interest. We are more than happy to help new accounts with their set-up and lend our support.